Explore how easy it is to make healthy, whole-food recipes at home. From appetizers to dessert, the 64-ounce container is ideal for blending medium to large batches for family meals or entertaining.
Certified Reconditioned Venturist V1200
Certified Reconditioned Venturist V1200
Certified Reconditioned Venturist V1200

You’re In Control
The Variable Speed Control lets you fine-tune every texture—from smooth purées to chunky salsas—and everything in between.
Pulse Feature
With the Pulse feature, layer coarse chops over smooth purées for heartier recipes, such as chunky pasta sauce or thick vegetable soups.
Built-In Wireless Connectivity
The motor base will automatically adjust the maximum blending times for the container size you’ve chosen.
Digital Timer
A built-in digital timer helps you avoid over-processing your blends, so you can achieve the perfect texture every time.
What comes in the box
- Motor Base
- 64-ounce Low- Profile Container with SELF-DETECT™
- S2 Low-Profile Tamper
- Simply Blending Cookbook