Life is busy, but you can still eat well, even while on the run to meetings and sports games. The key is planning ahead, using your Vitamix machine to cut down on prep time. Look for snacks that offer protein to fill you up and energy in the form of fruit, rather than sugar. Make easy-to-transport granola snacks, or whip up chicken or ham spread sandwiches.

Tip: Cut your sandwiches into quarters. Little sandwiches have more eye appeal, and eating several small portions can feel more satisfying than eating one large portion.

Another go-to: Cut-up fruit and vegetables packed with a container of healthy dip. And of course, no list of snacks made with the Vitamix blender would be complete without the smoothie. Choose a recipe that includes protein, and carry your smoothie in an insulated thermos to keep it cold.

Snack Bar and Granola Recipes

Homemade Dips & Spreads

Smoothie Recipes

With just a little planning, you and your family can eat snacks like these whenever you need an energy boost: at home, at school, at the office, and on the go.