Cereal integral delicioso con manzana
Inicie su día con este dulce y abundante cereal integral. Las manzanas y la canela le dan su agradable sabor dulce, mientras que la nuez le agrega textura.

- ¼ de taza (50 g) de arroz integral crudo
- ¼ de taza (50 tazas) de granos de trigo integral
- ¼ de cucharadita de sal (opcional)
- 240 ml ( 1 taza) de agua
- ½ taza (120 ml) de sidra de manzana
- 1 cucharada de canela molida
- ½ medium apple, chopped
- ¼ de taza de nueces
- Place rice, wheat and salt, (optional) into the Vitamix container and secure lid.
- Start the blender on its lowest speed, then quickly increase to Variable 7. Blend for 20-25 seconds, using the tamper to push ingredients toward the blades. Grind to desired degree of fineness.
- Place liquid ingredients and cinnamon into a sauce pan and bring to a boil. Stir in wheat and rice mixture. Reduce heat to low and simmer covered for 20 minutes. Add apple and walnuts to the wheat/rice mixture with 5 minutes left in the cooking process.
Notas del chef
- Agregue un toque de miel para terminar este gran regalo matutino.
- ¼ de taza (50 g) de arroz integral crudo
- ¼ de taza (50 tazas) de granos de trigo integral
- ¼ de cucharadita de sal (opcional)
- 240 ml ( 1 taza) de agua
- ½ taza (120 ml) de sidra de manzana
- 1 cucharada de canela molida
- ½ medium apple, chopped
- ¼ de taza de nueces
- Place rice, wheat and salt, (optional) into the Vitamix container and secure lid.
- Start the blender on its lowest speed, then quickly increase to Variable 7. Blend for 20-25 seconds, using the tamper to push ingredients toward the blades. Grind to desired degree of fineness.
- Place liquid ingredients and cinnamon into a sauce pan and bring to a boil. Stir in wheat and rice mixture. Reduce heat to low and simmer covered for 20 minutes. Add apple and walnuts to the wheat/rice mixture with 5 minutes left in the cooking process.
Notas del chef
- Agregue un toque de miel para terminar este gran regalo matutino.
- ¼ de taza (50 g) de arroz integral crudo
- ¼ de taza (50 tazas) de granos de trigo integral
- ¼ de cucharadita de sal (opcional)
- 240 ml ( 1 taza) de agua
- ½ taza (120 ml) de sidra de manzana
- 1 cucharada de canela molida
- ½ medium apple, chopped
- ¼ de taza de nueces
- Place rice, wheat and salt, (optional) into the Vitamix container and secure lid.
- Start the blender on its lowest speed, then quickly increase to Variable 7. Blend for 20-25 seconds, using the tamper to push ingredients toward the blades. Grind to desired degree of fineness.
- Place liquid ingredients and cinnamon into a sauce pan and bring to a boil. Stir in wheat and rice mixture. Reduce heat to low and simmer covered for 20 minutes. Add apple and walnuts to the wheat/rice mixture with 5 minutes left in the cooking process.
Notas del chef
- Agregue un toque de miel para terminar este gran regalo matutino.