There are two kinds of people in the world: people who love smoothies and people who really love smoothies. But have you ever thought about why you love the smoothies you do? Maybe you’re Team Flourish and you like to get creative with your smoothie, choosing trendy colors, exotic ingredients, and stylish garnishes. Or maybe you’re Team Nourish and you up the nutritional ante every time you hit blend by mixing in leafy greens, healthy herbs, and other functional add-ins. What motivates you to make a smoothie: style or substance?

Blended beverages have been around a long time. Smoothie-like drinks are staples in many cultures, like Mango Lassi, a traditional South Asian drink, or Agua Fresca, a popular drink in Mexico and Central America. In the U.S., smoothies first appeared in the 1930s, right around the time electric blenders gained popularity. Smoothies got another boost when interest grew in natural and organic foods in the 1960s, and many health-food stores started selling fruit juices and drinks. Today, smoothies are a delicious part of a healthier lifestyle.

Lifestyle is what Team Flourish is all about. There are lots of reasons to make your smoothie beautiful — social media clout or self-care — and the Vitamix Design Team has some great tips to help:

  • Let your smoothie choose your color palette. Our Citrus Smoothie looks luscious surrounded by the bright colors of a sunny, summer day, while vibrant greens help our Hint of Mint Smoothie make a bold statement.
  • Get creative with props. Use fresh ingredients to highlight what’s featured in the recipe. For example, cut a ripe, red strawberry in half and use it to garnish our Mango Strawberry Smoothie. Or add pops of color and texture with herbs and spices.
  • Trying to take an Insta-worthy shot? Natural light is your friend. Skip the fancy light rigs; find a sunny spot and let nature do the work. Shoot from above for a trendy angle or use a tripod to snap a shake-free shot of our Kale Apple Smoothie Bowl.

Lest you think smoothie lovers only care about aesthetics, meet Team Nourish. The nourishers know that smoothies are an optimal way to maximize nutrition. Here are some great dietary tips from the Vitamix Culinary Team:

  • Drink your fruits and veggies. If you’re trying to get the recommended 5-6 servings a day, a smoothie like our Avocolada Smoothie is a delicious way to start.
  • Blend the rainbow. Pack your smoothie with lots of deeply-colored fruits, like strawberries and blackberries, and vegetables, like spinach, beets, and kale. The dark, rich colors signify lots of healthful antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals. Our Freshly Minted Berry Smoothie fits the bill.
  • Spice it up. Studies have shown culinary herbs and spices can have many health benefits, like decreasing inflammation (turmeric), lowering blood pressure (cinnamon) — they can even help improve cognition (sage) and boost mood (lemon balm). Let our Fresh Turmeric Smoothie put a smile on your face.

Whether you’re Team Flourish or Team Nourish, every time you make a smoothie, you’re doing something good for you. Drink up and don’t miss our 2023 Smoothie of the Year announcement!